This website has the purpose of helping you analyse various world development indicators throughout the years between 1960 and 2019. These focus on aspects related to death rates and health issues, with additional helpful information such as the number of nurses per 100 000 people.
All indicators are presented according to the same unit: they represent a given ratio per 100 000 people. This was done to make the data as normalized as possible so that not only can the user analyse the evolution of a certain indicator throughout time, but he/she can also compare values between indicators.
The data used in our visualization tools was taken from Kaggle's World Development Indicators in November, 2019.
Our project was developed for the course of Information Visualization with the purpose of learning aspects related to data visualization and the most appropriate tools for various scenarios. The development focuses on the graphical library D3.js and we in particular use the external library AMCharts that integrates D3 within it to increase our control over the graphical elements. The website's implementation uses simple HTML and Bootstrap templates to make it look more visually appealing, simplistic and modern.
We focused on two charts to present our data: the map chart and the connected scatter-plot. The map chart was chosen as it allows for a very intuitive comparison of a given indicator between countries; in addition, with a simple slider to filter the year, it also makes a very appropriate tool to study the evolution worldwide throughout time. The connected scatter-plot, on the other hand, is a more specialized tool and it was used as such. With this tool, not only do we make available more development indicators for analysis, but also allow the direct visualization of the evolution throughout the years and comparison between countries and indicators simultaneously. We found this tool more appropriate than a regular line chart as it keeps an emphasis on discrete values while still making visible the notion of continuity between years.
All data entries presented on any of the visualization tools have a helpful tooltip for guidance. The map's color scheme was tested to the most common cases of sight disfunction in order for even those people (except, obviously, blind people) to be able to use the map like the others; this was done with the help of the online tool Coblis.
The entire code is publicly available at our GitHub repository and follows Tiago Davi's (one of our professors) Code Style Guide.